Gold Sustainability Award For Event Exeter

Green Meetings Website

The team at Event Exeter is overjoyed to have been awarded the highest possible ranking in the Green Meetings accreditation – helping to put the University of Exeter on the map for sustainable event venues and management.

The accreditation programme run by Green Tourism, is recognised worldwide and provides an indicator of environmentally friendly practice - reassurance for the increasing number of eco-minded conference and event organisers looking for green venues.

People, Planet and Places

It has taken some five months of assessment to achieve Gold status, with supporting evidence being gathered from a variety of departments across campus, covering key areas of sustainability, all under the overarching categories – People, Planet and Places.

In line with the University’s Strategy 2030, Event Exeter, alongside the University’s catering team, has been working hard to implement more sustainable practices. From encouraging plant-rich menus, reducing food waste and implementing their very own kitchen garden to working with an increased number of local food and Fairtrade suppliers, event organisers can rest assured that sustainable food practices are in place.

Vacation visitors and event attendees are encouraged to choose sustainable travel options and offered advice with regards to ‘greening’ their events. Changes within accommodation areas include a partnership with Eco Laundry for the laundering of all vacation linen, as well as the implementation of sustainable toiletries and the removal of all plastics.

Sustainability Is At The Heart Of Everything We do

As Event Exeter continues to develop its sustainable goals and create a greener offering for its clients, the team pauses to celebrate the positive feedback from assessors and the proof that their hard work is paying off -

‘Event Exeter at the University of Exeter has done an exceptional job in achieving the Green Meetings Gold award upon initial assessment. The site has scored strongly across the criteria, demonstrating that sustainability is engrained into the operations and procedures of the business.

The Event team make a distinct effort to participate in the University's green initiatives and targets of reduction while also encouraging clients to minimise the impact of their event.

Highlights of the assessment include a good sustainability statement, use of energy efficient lighting and heating, staff awareness and training, and a commitment to staff and customer health and wellbeing.’

Lisa Hogg, from the Sales Team, who headed up the award submission said:

It’s been a real eye opener to see just how much the University does to work towards a more sustainable future. I’ve learnt a huge amount about how much care and consideration is taken from planning and maintaining buildings on campus, what is on our menus and where it comes from, to cleaning products and the health and wellbeing of students, visitors and staff. More importantly it gives us at Event Exeter a great base to work from when developing our green strategy and ensuring our meetings and events offer is as sustainable as possible.

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